Tuesday 2 April 2013

Legs and Shoulder arrive

Introducing Leg's and Shoulder our final two lambs, 3 week old Ram and Ewe picked up last night. They have settled in well with Chops who I think was pleased with some four legged company, although he wasn't so keen to share the milk. They are Suffolk crosses, had a bit of a rough time getting this far, but hopefully will develop well over the next few months.

Chops has become a bit of a pet over the past couple of weeks and even sat on my lap yesterday enjoying a bit of a fuss.

They have taken well to the bottle, but it will take them a couple of days to start running round the field, I'm sure Chops will show them the ropes. I notice some of the trees have already been nibbled, which won't please Diz!
Chops is a cracking size already, so hopefully he will be ready for the freezer sooner than the other two. We just need the grass to start growing so they will get big and fat and tasty. Grass fed makes for a tasty lamb.

Take care all.
Stella xx

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