This time it's the Turkey's, Bourbon Red's. After last years experience of double breasted bronze turkey's we decided to try something different. These are a pure breed and slow growing which I am led to believe makes a better tasting bird. We had 18 eggs delivered a month ago and 17 were fertile after candling, all we had to do was get them through hatching. After 28 days there were a few small cracks and a lot of wobbling eggs, but nothing had hatched. By 28 days there should at least have been one out, so we thought 'here we go, difficult birds'. Finally one made a bit more of an effort, but needed a bit of assistance to finally burst out of the shell. Then the next few made it on their own, probably encouraged by it's noisy mate.
After three days and only 7 hatched we were beginning to think that the rest will have died in the shells or if they do make it out there will be problems with them. I checked the eggs and found two to be making noise, so the rest were removed and the two were left to see what happened.
One started cracking and after seven hours, I assisted its escape. There is always a risk with doing this and no guarantee the bird will survive. Thankfully all was well and it has continued to develop fine. The second one cracked and again assistance was provided. This time the poor thing had been wrapped up in it's shell for a lot longer than normal for hatching and it's legs were just not able to straighten and hold it's body weight. Therefore it was dispatched. Sad and very annoying, but the risk taken with hatching eggs.
The remaining eight were transferred to the brooder run in the shed for their continuing development.
They have already developed little characters and I love watching these birds grow, I can't wait until they are running around outside and the boys start to display and strut their stuff. It will be a fun 6 months.
Eight birds will probably not be enough for our Christmas orders so we have managed to source some Norfolk Black day old Turkey Poults. These will be delivered next week and will be added to our brood.
We'll keep you updated with their progress.
Take care
Stella xx
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