Friday 15 March 2013

A new year at Cloghermore .....

I can't believe it's already the middle of March and we are so far behind with everything at Cloghermore.
Firstly, for those of you who have followed us for the past 4 years by monthly Newsletter, Stella has decided to stop producing them as they are too time consuming. A new year means a new way for following us on our adventures, with a blog. That way both Diz and Stella can keep you updated and events will hopefully be posted regularly. That's the plan anyway. We are both new to 'blogging' and are having a few teething problems with the blog pages, bare with us though we will persevere.
There is a little bit of catching up to do for the first two months of 2013 as we have had a few new arrivals. Hope you continue to join us on our journey and enjoy the new format.
If you have any suggestions to improve the blog page, they will be gratefully received. Feel free to share the blog with as many as possible and don't forget to register as a follower.
Happy Reading.
Diz and Stella

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